Monday, November 14, 2011

Sibbling Love!

When we first brought Titus home from the hospital, Evie asked us when he was going to go back. I am happy to report that, in the past nearly 11 months, they have made some great progress! The highlight of my day is to watch the two of them interact. Titus loves Evie and Evie loves Titus. They are starting to play together and, with Evie's help, we finally got Titus to walk up a flight of stairs...anything to follow his big sister around! My favorite story happened a few days ago while returning home from Lifetime. We had left a snack-trap of goldfish snacks in the car and Evie had found them. All of the sudden I looked in the rear view mirror and would see a little hand stick out of Titus' car seat and Evie would put a goldfish in it. 45 seconds later, the hand came out again and Evie would put another fish in it. This went on the whole way home. Something about it was so sweet to me because it was like the two of them were speaking their own language without saying a word. Titus knew what he wanted and Evie knew what he wanted too!

Unfortunately, with that love comes loving on Titus TOO much! Last weekend Evie decided she wanted to "carry" Titus into the bathroom to join mom and dad brushing their teeth in there. Evie only weighs about 10 pounds more than Titus and she figured out pretty quickly he was a bit too heavy for her. As you can see in the above picture, Titus' nose took the brunt of the fall into the corner of the bathroom door! He bled pretty well from both nostrils and had a cut from the middle of his nose down to his mouth. Poor guy! He recovered from it well and just in time to contract pink eye from his sister! I guess it's more than goldfish they share!

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